Monday, June 7, 2010

Rejecting worry

Woke up spinning, there's got to be a better way. I'm starting the day with Amy's Yoga Nidra. That's the new thing for the day. I want to be mindful and in my body, and as for the practice for today: whenever a flurry of worry whips up, I will re-ground...feel the earth underfoot, the chair under my butt, the air in my lungs and remember that here, now, in this moment, the only moment we ever really have, everything is okay. I may have to reread this 20 times today. MK

1 comment:

  1. I woke up spinning myself. Then decided to start all over again. Choose positive thoughts. We are not our thoughts, our emotions, we are the one watching thoughts and emotions arise, then pass away. Poof! Gone, new good positive thought in its place. Had a conversation with self that went something like this: no it is not denial to chose a positive thought it is sanity! I think I will re-read mine every 10 minutes at three times. See if I learn it. I will read yours too. Need to remembet that as well. MI
