Saturday, June 12, 2010

Extraordinary living...

I woke up this Saturday morning at 6:30 AM to the gong of my alarm clock. Yes, Saturday and I set the alarm clock. Special occasion for the family today -- Argentina plays the first game in the World Cup. The guys ( Chris, Dominic and Dad ) hosted a breakfast event to watch the game. Amazingly enough four non-Argentinian friends showed up. I tried the new cornmeal pancake recipe. Loved them. I watched mostly 20 and 30 somethings mingle with 50 and almost 80 somethings. Very cool. It also occurred to me that I was very present and, had I not been, I would have missed the wonderful connections. Friends getting up early on a weekend to hang out with and to support each other. I saw the joy in my dad's face. He loves having the kids around to share his love of soccer. In fact, Chris had an invitation to a local pub with a much larger group but he said the game would not be the same without "el viejo". Rosie and Juanita showed up as well as Brian. All these family friends add to the moment. Each brings something of themselves to contribute to the event. Jenny and Rosie make me laugh, at times roar. They must do a talk show. My brother's spirit was certainly there, my grandparents and mom too. Over the years our family -- it may be what immigrant families do -- has gathered around soccer games donning the white and blue colors of the Argentinian flag to cheer, coach and quarterback the home team. As I sit here I am taking these positive facts and turning them into positive experiences. This is what is recommended by the authors of the Buddha Brain in order to have a more positive memory bank and a more positive "track" in the brain. I am focusing on the smells, the tastes, the sounds of this morning. I am letting the lovely feeling sink in to my body and I am letting those feelings expand to fill all nooks and crannies of my being. "... like water filling a sponge." This I believe is the way to live an extraordinary life. Imagine the possibilities. MI


  1. El Viejo looks great. Still got the twinkle. I realize his sense of humor reminds me of my dad. Me to your dad:"Your daughter is so beautiful, inside and out" He: (leaning in for effect) "Takes after the father" you gotta laugh. In fact, I'm realizing this morning, your family is well represented in my memory bank of smiles, thinking of Jenny's spot on British accent, Juliette saying "get that man a phone, now!" I'm starting my morning wallowing in smiles, a new pastime, a way to pump up the Buddha Brain happiness track. I am down for that! Savor the moments, let them sink in, and when I start to spin into the negative, counter with a thought that makes me smile. Like writing well, which I was also surprised to discover, happiness just may be a learnable skill.

  2. I think you got it! Who would have thought? Spent the morning reading some new old favorites. Will have to add to the reading list. It would be fun to have others join the community -- then we can all meet at a wonderful yoga retreat somewhere...

  3. Looking forward to the expanded reading list, and by the way, Vamos Argentina! (did you know the team has a blog?)
