Thursday, June 17, 2010

Raising color consciousness

An email newsletter from a quilting company got me thinking about color as an agent for positive change. Here's what Luana Rubin of had to say."...I believe that if we strip away our expectations and rules, and look at color from our heart, we are drawn to the colors that express the emotions we are feeling, or the emotions we would like to experience. We crave certain colors, the way our bodies crave certain nutrients. Maybe we are not ready to feel a powerful emotion like passion or anger, but we are instinctively drawn to red because it helps us to access that feeling on a deeper level. Maybe we are craving peace but are unable to "let go," so we bring in the colors of tropical waters to soothe us in the meantime." I've never purposely chosen color to change my mood, but I do believe I've been drawn to colors based on mood. Now what I'm thinking is that when we're blue, we really need a little pink, or maybe orange AND pink! I've always been aware of choosing colors to create a peaceful mood around the house, and I have deeply entrenched notions of what colors are "right" for me to wear. I need to get over it! I'm going to practice not going with the mood, but consciously choosing color to brighten my day. I need to branch out, and I definitely need something orange. MK


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just lost my entire long comment on color. So I am chosing to go with yellow -- a happy sort of yellow instead of the dark brown sensation that took over when my lovely paragraph on color dissapeared. But I must at least mention my grandpa and my mom, my color teachers. They were masters at it. I thank them for it and I wallow in color happiness often due to their influence... thanks for reminding me. Oh, the sheer joy of it.
