Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Misty morning walk

I'm walking. My life coach has been trying to get me to walk to my appointments ever since she moved in about a mile away. This morning I did it! (that's the new thing for today) It's a challenging walk for me. I did it one day last week and it was hard, but today it was much easier. It is uphill one direction, two miles round trip, and my muscles are sore from yoga, but I feel great! Took pics on the way home with my cell phone, which made it all the more enjoyable. Also I went to Weight Watchers yesterday. My life coach is also my weight watcher leader, and I haven't been losing the past few weeks. Feeling so stressed and dealing with so much with my dad, my mom, money etc. I was pretty happy just not to be gaining, but that's not where I want to be. I want to be a loser! I told Janet about our blog project and our community of two working on replacing the negative thoughts and actions with positive. She helped me see that when it comes to food, not thinking about it is actually a negative thought for me, she's right. Replacing the negative with positive for me means changing my relationship to 1) my mom, 2) food, and 3) money. The shift with food is my focus right now. It's clearly a negative when I use it to replace feeling feelings and just blank out and eat, but now I see it is also a negative not to embrace it as the positive nourishment I need to accomplish the life I want. Again, it comes back to being in my body and fully present. MK


  1. The pictures are beautiful! It looks lovely. I think staring the problem squarely in the face is what gets you to actually tackle it to the ground. You have to roll in it -- think about food or money or moms but not in the obsessive way we have been doing it -- the hamster in the wheel way. It has to be a more honest look really. I found this out with my boss deal. I somehow recognized the sick pattern -- "oh I know how this feels, the familiar way I avoid looking at it by throwing out all sorts of excuses sort of way." It was a revelation - it's me doing all the twisting and running -- stick it out and do it differently this time. It actually worked. ( I commented on your comment to mine...from yesterday )

  2. By the way. Congratulations on making the walk. It's all downhill from here... once you start...
