Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just is...

Jenny came to me with her latest project, her just is box. She explained that in reading Keys to the Law of Attraction by Canfield there is a suggested project to keep you focused on what you want to manifest in your life ( as opposed to what you don't want ). The idea is to have a box where you keep pictures or icons of the things you want in your life -- you put them in the box and then they just are -- you assume things are so. For example, the book recommends that you write a check to yourself if you need or want a certain amount of money and you drop the check in the box - presto it just is. Assumed a done deal.

I loved the idea and jumped on it. I used an old box I had ( but I love the box in the photo and this has inspired me to make a new box; I can't wait ). I cut out magazine pictures, wrote checks, took bills and wrote "paid" across them, etc. It was a lot of fun. It also worked rather quickly. I have been looking for a yoga teacher training program for some time so I found some great pictures and the words TEACH YOGA in an article in Yoga Journal so I cut those out and into the box they went. Amazingly enough I found the right training, close to home offered at the right time for the right price. I signed up! I am learning to trust it and I am testing my ability to stay positive even when I normally would revert to monkey-mind- nightmare- on- havenwood-circle mode. I have to say that I actually smile and say to myself -- just is -- every time I walk by the box. Once a week or so I go through the contents just to stay on the right wave length. Let's see how I manage to stay on track. Effortless action comes to mind again and again. Simple, right? MI


  1. Oh, opening the blog and seeing this post was just like receiving the pretty present in the photo! I am really loving this and it doesn't really take much time, but it is so useful. I LOVE the just is box, and now I get it. I'm planning my own box, and thinking of what to put in there is a very interesting exercise. One thing that's been bothering me a little during yoga nidra (I did Richard Miller's this morning) is that I have not been able to envision an intention. When I try, it's like a fuzzy tangled ball I can't get a clear picture of, so I just go with something general like peace. As I think of images to add to my box, I am aware of the story I'm telling myself about those things and how I have to change my beliefs around them before the part of my life they represent can change. Going through the box regularly to stay on the right wavelength (love that term) is such a great idea. I'm in, when I get it done, I'll post about my just is box.

  2. I'm so excited that you signed up for the yoga teacher training! And monkey-mind-nightmare-on-havenwood circle made me laugh out loud, I'm stealing it.

  3. I am going to make me a new box. Seeing all the beautiful options made me want to actually create mine rather than use the repurposed one I have. I went through my box this morning and found that I had cut out the word COMMUNITY and put it in my just is box -- and look here we are with a new community. Voila! I too struggle with the intention and now have just accepted the fact that I default to "calm and focused" and "joy" ( because I need to lighten up and play). It is what it is. Just this...
