Sunday, October 23, 2011

My kind of Cowboy

Wow. Haven't blogged in over a year. Thought about it, fretted about it, wrote about it in my mind, in the car, in the shower, but never did it. Momentum lost, stride broken. A big year of life challenges; a big year of life gone by in a blur. Blurry, fuzzy, foggy, crazy zooming year of not remembering who, what, when, where is me? So do it already. 

Today while driving through town, I saw Cowboy. Every time I see Cowboy, I smile big from my belly button up. 

I met Cowboy when I was a volunteer dog walker at the Humane Society. He was incarcerated. He didn't do anything wrong, he was kind and gentle,  of average age, and had a great sense of humor. Most single women i know would gladly date a guy like that, but Cowboy is a dog, and he had gone unadopted for over 10 months.  He's a whitish, tannish australian shepherd mix of some kind, and he looooves to walk. None of us could understand why he was still there after all those months. He could have become a lifer, an official ambassador, but he just wasn't that crazy about kids. He tolerated them, but with a pained look. 

Then one day a kind looking, prematurely gray woman with kinda whitish, kinda tannish colored hair came in looking for a puppy. There weren't any, so she played with Sally the Boxer and Blue - a beagle from Hurricane Katrina, while Cowboy, as always, watched from an outdoor run. Then someone pulled Cowboy out to take him for a little afternoon walk and a quick game of ball in the play yard next to where the prematurely gray lady was meeting dogs--and it happened. That night Cowboy got his first overnight pass to go out on a trial visit. The trial got extended to a week and everyone asked about Cowboy every day. Was it working? Had anyone heard? More than 20 people all with fingers crossed, and it worked. It was a match. The woman worked at the local paper and Cowboy became a fixture there. A go-to-work dog, who's owner has since moved on to a new job, but there she and Cowboy were this morning both still smiling and walking. Cowboy with his usual tail-curled-over-the-back waggy walk giving the nod to every passerby on the chance that they were a fan from his former newspaper days. He just makes me smile. A happy ending kinda guy. Living proof that you just never know what a day might bring.  MK


  1. Great to see you back! Keep writing your daily musings!

  2. So good to hear your voice again! No kidding about the year. How is this possible?? We must talk...
