Friday, August 13, 2010

Two negatives don't make a positive

Some days the negative spin can be relentless. This whole day has been an exercise in just trying to glimpse a positive outlook for a moment at a time. I am officially unemployed. This is not a surprise, and I know it is as much an opportunity as a challenge, but today as it has really sunk in, I am slogging through time in a thick, dark fog. A major retelling of the story is at hand. I have read memoirs of people who have completely reinvented themselves or their lives after far bigger and far more devastating life changes. I get that this is not one of those. Intellectually, of course I know everything works out; but viscerally, today at least, it feels grim. Again, I suppose the lesson is that nothing is all or nothing. I have to remember from minute to minute that embracing the positive takes practice, at least as much practice as I've already devoted to plowing huge crop circles of negative thought patterns. It doesn't have to all be worked out today, it just has to be worked on, worked at, made to work, for today. The trick is to figure out how to shift out of fear into forward, one little step at a time. That's good enough for now. MK

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Driving force

     I drove all over the City last weekend, searched for parking for what seemed like hours, parallel parked in heavy traffic, picked my way through hordes of tourists, crossed two bridges, crossed Market Street even, and I only once turned the wrong way down a one-way street…in the Tenderloin…but mostly (whew) I kept my cool. It was a driving triumph. Driving with a car full of people in a busy city for two straight days isn’t something I normally do. Country roads are my usual course; it felt good to challenge the comfort zone--it’s that time-of-life thing again--and I know driving in tough circumstances will get even tougher the less I do it. I suppose it could happen anytime to anyone, but midlife is the classic fulcrum: lean one way and you are in contraction mode, but let go and lean the other direction, and you can swing open on your hinge. I guess we shouldn’t fear the inevitable crossroads, life is physics, it’s the fulcrum that supplies the capability for action.

Crossroads and driving are themes around here. Sam is learning to drive. It’s a major passage of parenting, and I realize we are now teaching him how to leave. I’m trying not to give too much attention to the fact that he shows more enthusiasm for the leaving skills than anything we’ve ever tried to teach him so far. But I can’t help notice the contrast, for Sam, driving isn’t one of life’s fulcrums, it’s not a crossroads, it’s pure trajectory. There’s less than three years to launch and I feel the pressure to teach him everything he needs to know, which I know isn’t possible, or even likely, we learn most of life’s lessons on our own. He’s heading toward 16 and he tells me the truth. My words of wisdom are generally the kiss of death to his psyche. He is, as ever, as much the teacher as the student, passenger and now driver, and like all teenagers, I imagine, as much frustrating as inspiring. I could never explain to him how the juxtaposition of our lives’ paths sharpens the focus of everything for me. How raising someone places you at once in the past, present and future. How in so many ways I see him beginning to make ripples on the pond. He’s starting to live in ever expanding concentric circles. It’s the flow. It’s a beginning of beginnings. It’s as it should be. MK

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Every little thing you do

This afternoon when my son and husband asked, what's for dinner tonight, I said, "I don't know, I haven't been to the market yet." They looked confused, and no wonder, this is so different for me, Today, when it comes to dinner at least, we begin anew. I've had a small epiphany that will probably mean very little to anyone else. Usually when it's time to grocery shop, I start nagging and cajoling everyone to help me think of meals. What do you feel like having? What sounds good? Think of something, I'm tapped out! The epiphany came to me on a particularly desperate evening. I've been doing this dinner thing exactly backwards. Instead of trying to conjure up something to cook, how about going to the market and/or the farm stand seeing what looks good, and simply cook that. Cook in season. I know, it's certainly not a new concept, and it's essentially what good cooks, great chefs and health conscious eaters have done all along, but I've only trifled with the idea. I've never abandoned all planning and recipes and lists and simply gone to see what there is to be had. And why not? The thought of entering the grocery store without an ironclad list is a source of great fear and loathing for me. It's such domestic drudgery constantly having to shop for food, put the food away, cook the food, clean up after the food and plan the next episode of food. Ack! Going at it without a solid plan may lead to aimless, brain dead wandering in a giant store with an overwhelming array of choices--just more time wasted on the food. No wonder the joy has gone out of cooking. But what if it wasn't like that? That's the question I'm always asking these days. How could it (or anything) be different. Hardship or delight? Ordeal or adventure? It's a choice. In the midst of contemplating this change of perspective, Mary Ann called and told me about two recent trips she made to her farmers market. The first she undertook in a hassle-haired, beset frame of mind and ended up scouring through the stands, clutching her bag in folded arms, reticent and just unable to interact with the vendors for whatever reason that day. Needless to say, it was a bust. The next time though, she purposely set out with an open and inquisitive intent and, poof, the drudgery was transformed to delight. What had been a challenging chore, this time turned into a rich and enjoyable experience. So tonight, I shopped for food as though it was a fun escapade. No preconceived notions, no angst, no list. The colors, textures and aromas in my market basket were beautiful: bright green organic broccoli, yellow and white bicolor corn, orange, red and yellow mini peppers, a fragrant Dulcinea melon, smooth little yukon golds, and a deep cassis-colored local zinfandel.The epiphany is really this: there isn't enough life left to waste it resenting our daily repetitive tasks. Bon Appetite! MK

Go with the flow...

Star like water flowing - artwork by Alicia Austin
My Brezny's astrology comes to me via email every week. Today I realized how much it actually grounds me. Something about getting this email that makes me stop, read, relax and enjoy. This is so, even in the most hectic of weeks. What is it about this weekly mini-ritual that works? The surprise factor, the fact that his horoscopes have some sort of lesson. This week it is about going with the flow but he asks which flow and tells me he thinks the flow I need to go with is deep underground away from all the madness and noise. Not the flow of the childhood upbringing or the flow of other's expectations. It really made sense to me at a time when I am searching for a place all my own, my rhythm, my way. Yoga is in a way that rhythm for me. I am going with that flow...